My X-periments with Cooker
Night(Day?)Mare Continues..
Weekend in Wroclaw
More fun on Weekend
Polish Entertainment
An Eventful Weekend
BeErS & pUbS..
Hair Raising Experience
Down the memory lane.. Hmm.. Poland was good..

Dear Friends,
 I must accept that I was really overwhelmed by the response.
Honestly, I didn't expect so much response from you..
 Thanks to Regu who recommended PT to all his friends in his mail of
US experience. After that, I saw many peoples(whom I have not seen)
commenting that the site & its contents are really good. I got suggestion
both techi as well as content oriented. Part of it are added to Response
section of the site.. Unfortunately I cannot provide a feedback section on
the site now as all of you suggested.
To see how long we have come, here are some statistics:
  •  There were totally 18 editions including this one, all bestsellers..:-)  that makes it one in every 10 days. Its true that I spent weekends, as with Just polish Visa & without car,I hardly can move out to new place.It was quite challenging to make PT more interesting & educating about Poland.
  •  From a humble 35 subscribers, it has reached more than 80 to whom this mail will reach. I was surprised to see the Pageview of the Website. 25 hits last week alone.. Not Bad for one which started two weeks before..
  I hope u enjoyed last edition on culture (should I say 'cool'ture.)
"Life is a chain of tiny & interesting experiences"
 Six month back, it all started with my unorthodox(?!) ways of
cooking & as a place to share my sorrows. I still couldn't find it why it
looks so amusing for you when I am writing about my tragical experience in poland.(People are becoming more inhuman..nowadays :-( 
 Jokes apart, Right from the night I landed in poland smelling a
strange smell typical of europe amidst rain & bone crushing cold, today when I am taking my flight out of poland in similar conditions, it was quite
amazing learning experience I have got. Like why Pole's hatred towards
germans, France's cultural tolerance, German's Organization skills, Africans mentality, etc.. Add to that, my new flavour of playing Billiards &
Bowling..its worth it. 
 Those initial days were really tough with extreme climate
conditions,strange language, down the dark country side, apprehensive people etc.
Note that I didn't add my cooking experiences.. It was never dreadful as it should have been. It was my own world with experiments & I felt at home. There were some funny days when I woke up at around 1 midnight in hunger as we had lighter dinner in friends flat.When I cook I always cook more than what I need so that it will be used in emergency situations. Filip always told me that he can say to my mom that I cook well & its tasting great. What?? No! NO!! Its not true that he haven't seen food or a week.May be you are true, people here drink more than eat.(I am losing direction..)
 Poles are very friendly, atleast in my case. Speaking in one's
language is the best way of communication. So they were impressed that l
learnt polish in such a short time.It helped me in translating some polish
documents for my projects.I have made quite a many friends here, if gifts I
have received are an indicator.
 Workwise, I didn't do any damage to the reputation that Indians are
good in S/w programming. My chief even wrote "To best programmer" in his present..(Its not his fault!!). Onsite experience are always more
interesting than In-office counterparts. Since you are here, everybody comes to you to help them out. 
 As a ambassador of India(Not really joking, I am what a Indian is,
in their view) So I always stood by core values of Indianness.(Hope I sound serious..) Explained whenever possible what's behind various habits, which may look amusing for them. I should admit I was more patriotic in poland than ever..Not even kargil. As Bernard Shaw puts it "Patriotism is believing that your country is the best just becos you born in it".
 There were many incidents which were annoying & stressing you to the
limit. But with all ur support(thru PT) & irrepressible optimism ("Even a
stopped clock is correct twice in a day.."), I could manage through all
these days. "Aise Badi Badi Deshon mein, Aisi Chotti chotti Bathen Hoti
Rahte hain".;-)
 Soon I will be in India.."Ish Desh Ki Darthi".. Back to the world of
Veerappan & Rajkumar. I could here the welcome party for me.. 
Going by your responses, I will be tempted to continue PT, but it wont be of much fun out of poland to write about, so I wind up with this Newsletter.
May be you will get a Supplementary on Auswitz soon.
Final Word
 As I spent 1% of my life in this country & its my first country out
of India, Poland will be a special one. Thru polish times, you know about
Poland as much as I do. Being in india, I feel as if I came back alive.
Thanks for being with me thru these days..
 I would like to finish it with a smile in your face..I will miss
Poland too..
 Poland has quite a good share of beautiful peoples.. Ommph Babeee's,
Blondes are more unlike Turkey.. Wait Why turkey?? Read on..
 Do you know who is the most Beautiful person in Turkey.?????
 -> A Tourist!!
 Keep Smiling..;-)
All the Best!!
Lov & Care
Ur Friend Chandru,
Editor,Polish Times.


Yes! India, I know Delhi
Fotos & Polish climate-Part I
Fotos & Polish climate-Part-II
Welcome to Krakow!!
A language Called Polish
Chandru Ban Gaya PolishMan
My Malgudi..err Twardogora Days
Poland in a Nut Shell
Cultural Galatta or Bangalore Blues

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PolishTimes Ltd.