Dear Pals,
ESOPs to be taxed at point
of sale - Finally Sinha granted the wish of many CEOs like N.Murthy..CBI
into probe, Scotland Yard in India -- Sounds like a Sidney Shelton Classic
on Live.. A Game called Cricket..Hmmmm...
Its been long since last
polish times.(I doubt many would have worried about that. :-) I had two
long weekends on Easter & May Day. I have tried to compensate with
more pictures ofcourse which were taken a month back.Due to size limitations,
I have just attached the small sized files which reduced the clarity of
the picture.Kindly Adjust.
May-9 : A Big Day for Me
& Polish Times, Yes, I am completing 100, one..hundred..days in Poland!!
Considering the situation, its really a feat for me. Fighting odds all
alone ofcourse with support all your fan mails..Thanx for your advanced
Quiz of the Week
Pick the odd man out:
Germany, DeutschLand, Allemagne,
Answers at the end..
Climate here made me to shoot
my mouth off.Remember first Polish times, I had written that Twardogora
looks like the places in old Terror Movies. Ofcourse it did look like that,
but not any more. Spring has changed all.
Look at the first picture.
It is in front of my flat, the park & the Church under huge snow.Second
one shows church in larger view. Wow!! What a shot? must be a professional??
- NO NO its me.. You are really flattering.. Anyway Thanks!!
Whatever you see in the pictures
looks age old now for me, becos the scene has completed changed now.
Poland undergoes good share
of all the four seasons. Temperatues varies from 0 to -35 in winter, &
upto 35 in summer.
Now my flat, though looks
very old, its really good inside. Both the side views of my flat can be
seen here.. With some scarry HO HO sounds, it reminds you of some Hitchcock's
movies.Spare a thought for me, when at midnight, I was shown this flat
for that first time. Last one in out of my window shot!!
Temp are gone high that, It
is hovering around 25C. People are freaking out in cycles & cars all
around the town in fresh air. Sometimes I get a feeling that I am attired
more than anyone else with just sasual shirts & pants,men & women
alike...Seems People turned on "Polish Beauty" much like Spacey (in 'American
Beauty'). In short "Its all happening here".
Easter is celebrated
big in Poland. On that day, they have a customs of pouring water on people
they like. Kinda hint that He/she is interested in him/her. Much
like our own "Manja thanni" in TamilNadu. (UN)Fortunately I missed the
day since I was in krakow that day.(Grapevine says that I was supposed
to the "Target of the Town") He Hee Heee....:-)
Next two photos for those
who missed it last time. First one in the Bosch Plant(not the front &
better side) & the second one in My Polish Class with my french colleagues
& polish teacher in Conference Room.
More photos in the next Polish
times as Part-II of 100 Days be continued
Recipe of the Week
After having Italian Pasta
more often in my french dinner, I decided to try it myself. Actually nothing
much to do, just pour water & boil it, that's all. Hey!! wait, why
cant we put some oil & vegetables.(believe me, my colleagues do nothing,
just put some ketchup!!)
Its good!! But, won't egg
be more tasty? Put oil first, at peak heat(how naive I am,not description
are odd), put eggs to make kinda Omlet. Then pour all the Pasta into it
& mix it well. Good, Oh God!! I know this thing earlier. OH YES, its
our own Egg Noodles in Shukh Sagar & Road side shops. Anyway, its reminded
me of Good old indian days!!! Once again, I proved as one of you said,
"Cooking is an art, Not science".. Wah!! Wah!!
Hey friends! 6th May is a day really
close to my heart... No Diet Day ! So wish all your friends who are very
diet conscious & BON APPETIT.
Answer to the Quiz:
None. I know I was mean when
I asked that question. All the names refer to germany but in different
countries. Allemagne in France & Niemicy in Poland.
Till we meet again,
Keep Smiling ya!
Your friend chandru