My X-periments with Cooker
Night(Day?)Mare Continues..
Weekend in Wroclaw
More fun on Weekend
Polish Entertainment
An Eventful Weekend
BeErS & pUbS..
Hair Raising Experience
Polish Entertainment

 (Please dont forget to read my SOS at the end)

Hello friends!

 The Subject must have attracted you!!
  Thanks for your flooded mails saying that Polish times is improving with every week and U are very pleased with it -( Lie! lie!, Jute!, Poi!,@#@%@#  Dont Believe him) 

Yip Yip Hurray! Great man! Bcos Our (ofcourse by birth, he is indian) Manoj Shyamalan of “Sixth Sense” is nominated for best director. Though “The American Beauty” leads the dark horses, it makes sense to say that 6th sense will have its share.. Forgive me for misplacing my excitement in Polish times..

 To be honest, I’ve got 2 good friends here, who will simply do what I wanna do, though 1 of them speaks only in Polish (No! No!  None of them are girls - Konjam porungappa!). I was mentioning about the Computer & TV here.(No pun intended). 

 One fine friday,  a new TV in my flat, and everything was cleaned & new towels were kept. Surprise!!  Still instinctly, i checked my wallet in my bag (Really I can’t help it!). I later found out that it was in contract with the house owner that he do it. Coming back to TV, I have got two channels, called TVP 1 and 2. Program wise, they run very close to Our Own DD.( I hope that TVP guys wont sue me for comparing with DD).
 They show serials like NYPD Blue, X-files, (&..& Ok. Ok. Baywatch too, unga thollai thaanga mudiyalai!!) and movies like Rambo III, Philadelphia ( actually, its today for weekend special starring oscar winner Tom Hanks and Denzel washington..). You may quickly ask  “How dare you compare this with DD”. Good Question!!  But neither TVP like to be outdone by DD. 

All these Movies & serials r in polish with one special effect, they arn’t like ‘Junoon’. Infact, a man of 40, I believe, will just translate in highly incredible montonous voice all the words which are spelled by all the characters, Man or Women or baby...No emotion, No punch.. For all the programmes  you will listen the english behind the polish voice. (Sariyaana kaduppa irukkum..) Initially i tried to catch the english word just before this guy starts in polish. But easily he beat me by his sheer(?!) experience. I gave up without much fight. 
 Nowadays I watch TV minus volume, just trying to read the lips and Believe me I am so good at that nowadays that even the actor finishes, i start the next sentence. Today, ‘Philadelphia’ will be a tough act as it is highly conversational. 

You know they have same programmes like Mastercard Family fortunes (Super kudumbam in Tamil), & Movers and Shakers (Nayandi Darbar in Tamil) , even at same timeslot as the indian versions..
 This week we are coming up with two special days, like Mother-in-law day on March 5th ( For few of you, its time to placate you Future mother-In-laws). And there is, Mother of All days,(not the Mother’s Day), Second to Valentine’s day,.....”Woman’s day” ( “Girls Day” would have been more appealing -Adiyen  suggestion!) 

 So For all the girls and ladies out there, My heartfilled (not YET, its still free!!) Wishes and have a Peaceful & Happy Day!!
(I dont see a Mother-in-laws here, if so, my wishes to them too)

SOS: Nambargale, I am running out of Receipes here. Partly, becos few things are not available like Toor dhal, most of the spices etc., most of indian recipes are irrelevant for cooking.Another reason is obvious, I am not successful with most of them.. So please consider this as Telegram & pour your receipes.. Hope U wont let me Down..

Thanks for lending your ears for my SOS.. 
Take care pals, Bye for now

Ever Your friend


Yes! India, I know Delhi
Fotos & Polish climate-Part I
Fotos & Polish climate-Part-II
Welcome to Krakow!!
A language Called Polish
Chandru Ban Gaya PolishMan
My Malgudi..err Twardogora Days
Poland in a Nut Shell

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