My Experiment with Cooker
On my second day, i was forced
into a situation where i had to cook to keep myself healthy.So I bought
some ryz (rice) from store (0.5 kg).there were four four packets (125 gms
each). Took two packets and poured it in to the cooker and 2.5 times of
water into it.
Then the steam came out,
weight was put on it. I waited till i heard the whistle, i was so hungry
that i switched off the gas at once. I waited for 10 min. when i opened...
I dont know whether people
in poland use rice as adhesive for fixing wood, paper and so on.
Yes u r right. All i saw was some
sort of rice in some inknown state. Not to be lefe behind, i nicely boiled
it ( not with the cover on this time). Finally i found somewhat recognizable
rice (yes really). So i put some puliyogirai powder ( i expected to do
puliyogirai sadham with puliyogirai gojju) into it and ate it. Still i
was looking for some more to mix with. Damn shops are closed by evening
4'0 clock.But i reached home by 8'0clock. So i couldn't shop anything.
Yeah! I had sugar hidden
somewhere in the shelf, so i Made a Sugar Pongal..(literally). To add with
that, i took one more apple. SO, Dinner over!!
You know, I never waste food at any time be it either in india or in poland.
So in the early morning, went to shopping and did really good shopping(
i took the list of things to buy and their polish names and also don;t
be surprised one Dictionary too which translates english to polish and
vice versa).When they couldn't store understand the word 'egg'. I showed
them from dictionary which showed as 'jojke'. So far so good.
Morning again opening the
cooker (daringly) ! I had bought some curd ( very hard ! i had to
put it in water for 5 minutes) so i made the all known " palaiya
Saadham". I had takem pickles with me which came very handy!!!
Hip Hip hurray!! Finally
i made use of the cooker and the rice...
Any suggestion are welcome
with open cooker and more of my adventures soon in next mail...