My X-periments with Cooker
Night(Day?)Mare Continues..
Weekend in Wroclaw
More fun on Weekend
Polish Entertainment
An Eventful Weekend
BeErS & pUbS..
Hair Raising Experience
A Language Called Polish

Dear Friends,

Czesc koledrze,

 Zapraszam wszystko do Polish Times-u.Dzisiaj zbadamy o' Jezyk po polsku.miejmy nadzieje, bendzie ciekawy. Jezyk po polsku jest bardzo po prostu i ....$&#%$^%#(

 OK..Ok .. Before you all lose ur (whatever existing) hairs..I stop this... You couldn't stand even one line,how about me.. Dont worry,I tried here to see the lighter side of the Language.

 Polish  Made Easy

 Polish is 1 of the Slavic languages (like czeck,slovkia & few other hard-to-spell countries).. Polish is not at all difficult.. Chumma easy.:) 

 NOTE -> Following steps are fully patented by POLISH TIMES, any usage without permission will lead to prosecution. 

 1. Pick some less-often used char's like "z","y","z"(again!),"w" etc
 2. Sandwich some vowels in between them. 
 3. Make some tails, horns & some comical things with the chars.(Nalla oru Kalakku!!)

 That's IT!!! U got a "Polish Word"... Simpler than Fixing a cricket match..(Oops!! Sorry for using the dirty word- 'fix'), Mind you, due to font problems I have not use those tailed,horned words in poland letters, so dont try to find some typographic errors..

Example:::For 'MAN', the polish word is, Me,z'czyzna - "Meounjchzyichnaaaa" - Little close!!. First time, no wonder my "Tongue" turned "TIE" with two Knots.

 Surprise! Surprise!! I found few relation between Hindi & Polish especially numbers. Look at this...especially pronounciation..

 Two -Dwa - Do
 Four - cztery -chaar
 Five - piench - panch 
 Six - czesc - che 
 Seven - siodem - saath 
 100- sto - sow & so on....

 As I told before, it someone tell you PIWO, dont think they are offering water, its actually "BEER".. Pani - means lady.. & so on..

 Conclusion : Even before me, One more guy mostly an indian king was here for On-site Project long back...:-)

 SOme more snaps of Krakow as Last week I couldn;t make it in time...
 Rynek on a summer Day...

.ITs meeeeee....

 Backside of the Wawel Fort & Other side of it...


 **Back to Polish Lessons....

 Regarding European Languages, french is very funny, First time when my french friend spoke in french, Very innocently I said "Hey Filip, either swallow the chocolate or speak, dont do both". Its as if full of vowels alone.. He boasted that it was called intellectual Language..(For what reason!!)
 German is straight opposite, they sound so harsh that you think that they just swallowed few peices of Broken Glasses. 

 Only 1% of polish speak english, partly true. As my friends point out, untill 10 years ago. everyone had to learn Russian with POlish.. So nobody was there to teach english to teach them. Now due to capitalisation, more & more people are learning english language. Good demand for english teachers..

 I would like to give an funniest example why language is so important.. 

Real Life Joke !

 My friend Filip with his parents who came from Paris to visit him, was in some Mountain Village last month. While visiting a church in the evening, a women came to him & asked "Ktora Godzina?" - "what's the time?". He understood the question but didn't know to say 4:40 pm. But since his parents knew that he is attending polish classes (with me), they looked at him for what he will say. To save his face, He said "O pianty" - "its 5'O clock".. which is the closest he knows to say..
 That lady ran all the way to the Church, started to ring the Huge Church Bell.. DING DONG DING DONG.. This guy knowing what mistake he has done left the place soon. Probably she would have lost her job & I heard that she is wandering around the mountain areas with a Long Samurai Sword.. I dont know why Filip is hesistating to go to Mountains with  us....:-)
 Being more sympathetic & cautious, I show them with my fingers, somtimes using my leg fingers too..


 I felt happy to see some immediate responses with recipes for my last week outburst (Wasn't it so?).. I am trying all those recipes one by one & soon will be in polish times...

 Thanks for Regu, saying that you people never really missed me & its feel like I am personally updating all every week thru polish times which is regular & nice.. 

Next week, Check it out...
 * My polish classes...
 * Polish people learing tamil, Hindi..
 * More funny words in polish

 Hey ! all of You !! 15th June is Smile Power Day ! So flash that sweet sweet smile and keep your days lively..

Till we meet again,

See ya later !

Your friend Chandru !
Editor, Polish Times.


Yes! India, I know Delhi
Fotos & Polish climate-Part I
Fotos & Polish climate-Part-II
Welcome to Krakow!!
A language Called Polish
Chandru Ban Gaya PolishMan
My Malgudi..err Twardogora Days
Poland in a Nut Shell

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PolishTimes Ltd.