My X-periments with Cooker
Night(Day?)Mare Continues..
Weekend in Wroclaw
More fun on Weekend
Polish Entertainment
An Eventful Weekend
BeErS & pUbS..
Hair Raising Experience
NightMare Continues

 Contents & Events expressed in these passages are from professionals and you are requested not to do the same in your house without proper guidance.We dont take any responsibility for any mishap.  -Polish Times

Hello friends
 Dzien Dobry!!(Good Morning or Good Afternoon in POlish)

 It's me again. I should admit i was very much enthralled by the responses flowed all over from the world (literally).Responses varied from new & more receipes to threatening mails asking a ban on me entereing into the kitchen...WOW!! Thanks for all those who responded to my SOS..

 Because one of the mails requested me to put up a message like the above one since people get into trouble when they enter kitchen after reading my mails. So as a precautionay measure (for both u and me), i have put up such a message.
 Back to Business, I tried two more times to cook with cooker, but no hope(for no mistake of mine). Some of the encouraging signs are I've got vareity of things to add with rice now for example, tomoto,onion, some bread etc... And also I am getting relatively hard rice nowadays. I wait for three whistles and putting exact amount of water. Back to Normalcy. 

 Something on bread: I should tell u that if u really think people live here mostly depending on bread, probably u are wrong.Because it hardly stays soft for more than two hours, regardless where u keep it. I bought one big loaf of bread hoping to finish it off in two days.O Dear O Dear O, even after a week its still there. As you all know, being smarter than these polish people, I just use to those Hard Really Hard Bread to clean vessels instead of scotchbrite(I bought one later). * New Cooking tips *
 With Noodles and Pulliyogirai Powder getting over, I foresee a tough & ofcourse interesting week ahead! 

Parting Parse:
 I read 46% of polish people drink Hot drinks before coming here.They can't really help it because 40% of the polish names has "wiski" in their name...

**Because of heavy schedule, i may not be able to mail you all personally. I am trying my best to reply all.SO kindly adjust..

More about Climate,Office and week end --Next Polish times on "Week end in Wroclaw"

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Yes! India, I know Delhi
Fotos & Polish climate-Part I
Fotos & Polish climate-Part-II
Welcome to Krakow!!
A language Called Polish
Chandru Ban Gaya PolishMan
My Malgudi..err Twardogora Days
Poland in a Nut Shell

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