My X-periments with Cooker
Night(Day?)Mare Continues..
Weekend in Wroclaw
More fun on Weekend
Polish Entertainment
An Eventful Weekend
BeErS & pUbS..
Hair Raising Experience
Welcome to Krakow

Dear Friends,

 "G K Praveen also involved in Match Fixing - Prabhakar" - In a recent turn of events, manoj has come up with video tapes with Praveen talking about fixing matches during a Ventures Tournament in SukhSagar,Koramangala. Praveen talks how he fixed a match btw RBIN & Siemens.Prabhakar also released the transcipt in CBI says it may summon Praveen soon.

Oof ! Just an piece of Humour!! Hope Praveen is not contemplating filing a Defamtion suit against Polish Times.(For others, Praveen is a famous Bosch cricketer & my friend :-) 

 "Indian Team is a one Man army -sachin" - Exactly looks like it is true but sadly in other context. But Wait, lets see till end of all these!! 

Krakow - City of Europian Culture

 Krakow is the best city in poland known for his forts & churches. (for that matter, all the cities here has to be called "city of churches".) Recently it has been nominated as the City of European Culture. Only city in poland which escaped Hitler's Holocaust.

 On the way on both side of the road, there are enough places for the likes of Ghais, Shankars to make Aishwarya dance for another ten movies.."Taal Se Taal Milaa..." so Green & Colorful..I went in car with my Black friend, Franek.

 "Wawel Fort" - Foremost place to see in Krakow. Look at this bird's eye view..

Unfortunately since it was Easter, we couldn't see any exhibitions. But now in spring, it looks better as it was a hot day when I went there. Continuing with the tradition of pictures in every PolishTimes hereafter, here are some snaps of krakow...
 First one, the front view of Fort with church. FYI, I was not prepared for this trip as it was not planned. So I look like a guy singing "Hey Ajnabi!! Tu bhi kahi..", also the previous night we slept in car in another city on the way..


Next one with franek..

Rynek or Market Place - A common place in most of the european cities which is the exciting place to be in. Even in some Fotos you saw it in Wroclaw. In summer, many concerts, mini bands will be playing in open air in evenings. Weekends are fully crowded with people, people & more people.(What more reason you need to be the exciting place.. ;-) Krakow Rynek is next only to Venice in terms of size. Exhibitions, shops etc are on display for people. All set for a Perfect Romantic Evening with your Girlfriend... which sadly was not in my case.. :---(  (Kabhi Kabhi, Mere Dil Mein Kyal ..)

 One more pic under the statue of some Polish Writer..

 Few more places like salt mine, St.Marie Church are also among what we missed becos of easter.

Recipe of the Week

 One fine(actually not) sunday, when I was sitting & staring at my roof on what to do( I heard that, often Einstein used to take this stance), I was reminded of "Hot Vada, Samosa".(Note the diff between me & Einstein). I couldnt go to Wroclaw too. In a flash, one of your recipe of making "Payasam" came & dissappeared.

  I had sufficient milk & pasta. I wondered whether Pasta wil be good for payasam. Hey! Not the time to think about all this. With an eye of recipe, I started to boil milk with butter.. While pouring pasta into it, i found that it may not be enough for this much water, so in another vessel I cooked more pasta..Oh! No sugar in usual container... But luckily after few anxious moments(as always..) I found it another packet. While stirring I found that it was too much of Pasta, so poured more milk.

 No cardamom, but that is asking for too much. After few minutes, "PASTA PAYASAM" is Ready. Though it was more pasta than milk,It was so delicious & unfortunately none of friends to taste that...

 Though I dont take names generally, this guys needs to be appreciated, for he got these recipes from his mum & sent me taking so much effort. So Please give a big hand for "KalaiRajah"..for his mum too.. His "Egg Curry" is hot favourite among all my friends..

 Many of you have not mailed & went silent when I asked about recipes (so sad!!), but he sent if not great recipes, simple yet handy recipes which I can use often..


 Due to Highly Volatile weather, I was sick one day(Nothing, tiredness & slight fever..Please dont send "Get Well" Cards:). I didn't go to Doctor this time. Ofcourse he is qualified, but what one of colleagues told terrified me. The doctor took 11 years to get the degree.. Even at the rate of one sem per year,it wont exceed 10 years.. So you know.. (Thanks to my Boss, for reminding me about this peice of news..)

Till we meet again,

Keep Smiling ya!

Your friend chandru


Yes! India, I know Delhi
Fotos & Polish climate-Part I
Fotos & Polish climate-Part-II
Welcome to Krakow!!
A language Called Polish
Chandru Ban Gaya PolishMan
My Malgudi..err Twardogora Days
Poland in a Nut Shell

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