My X-periments with Cooker
Night(Day?)Mare Continues..
Weekend in Wroclaw
More fun on Weekend
Polish Entertainment
An Eventful Weekend
BeErS & pUbS..
Hair Raising Experience
Hello Pals
 One Billion & Indian Miss Universe - India very much in thick of the news.Very Much Publicised even in Poland with the Baby Astha's & Lara's Fotos.Initially I mistook that it as Cricketer Lara wondering when he changed his career. His cricketing skills has not abandoned him yet. 
 Week of "Love You" Bug!! Disaster for many Young people. One of my friend, after hesistating for long, finally gathered strength & decided to propose to his girl friend last week. As fate would have have it, he sent a mail carrying his love with subject "ILOVEYOU". On that fateful day, scared of "LoveYou" bug, the girl promptly deleted the mail without even bothering to open it.. Don't you agree that it was a really disaster for young people.. Poor guy! still waiting for her reply.... :-(

**Joke of the Week

 Once chandru went for an eye test in Indian after his return from Poland. As usual the doc asked him to read the irregular,random letters in the Board from a certain distance. He asked "Can you read those letters?".. 
 Chandru replied " what read?? He was my best friend when I was in Poland" .... 

(Quite Old joke but very much pertinent here.. ) 
**Yeh! Dil Maange More Fotos !!

 Continuing the Celebration of 100 Days in Poland, I have added more Foros to your Gallery. A Bird's eye view of Bosch,Right diagonally opp to what you saw in 
last picture..

 When I am editing this edition of Polish times, temparature is around 31 C. Hard to Believe, but a fact. My friends blamed me that I have brought the Summer from india with me.. I too complained about the climate as if I have not seen Chennai Summer before..:-)

 One fine (last)Sunday in March, all the clocks were advanced by 1 hour. So time diff bet India & Poland is now 3.5 hrs..So we had a 23-hr Sunday.. (why on sunday?? So Sad :-( They said that in October, we will have 25-hr day when the clocks will be delayed by one hour.

 Surprise!! surprise!! Finally you have asked about Fotos of mine(One of Last week's Foto was too long to identify me..) So all of you are going to suffer becos of those few people.. Here comes the first one..In Wroclaw Rynek (Market place) which in my opinion, best place to see. Next one is with my french & Polish friends (Jacek & Filip).. Third one is another view of Rynek along the Flower Shops...Beautifully picturised Trams in the roads of Wroclaw....

 If you think its a coincidence that I was wearing Caps in most Fotos, then you have missed previous editions of Polish Times..

 I vaguely remember that in feb, lazier than me, Sun (No, not the Java one!!) used to come up around 7- 8 AM. Unless I look at the watch, easily it can be mistaken as 6 or 5. In evenings too, around 5'o clock it used to become dark. But in the sudden twist of happenings, all Dramatically Changed.. For those who dont know, it dawns even at 4:30 am itself & Believe me, till 9:30 pm, it goes on with Sun. So even at 9'O clock in evening (OR night to be precise..) we can see people playing tennnis... Really its a Long Day.. 
 "Cookery" being the soul of Polish Times, Catch me while Dining..With My polish friend Filips Flat.. 


 Last week, Lara's Crowning as MISS UNIVERSE came as shot in the arm for me. Now people are very much convinced that Indian <stress here> Women too are gorgeous & intelligent.( Becos they were already convinced about men, I am here as Living Example..:-) Nowadays I walk with pride in streets of Twardogora..

**Recipe of the Week

 Once I was making Rotis in my flat, my friends who came just when I was suppose to finish asked me what it is.. I explained them that its kind of PanCake. So after two weeks with few more guys in flat, I decided to do some Rotis & Chappathis..   
 But they said they knew how to cook Pancake, started their own way of Cooking (Real)Pancake. Pouring Milk, Wheat flour & side dish with mushroom etc.. Things were fast getting our of my control, at the end my Kitchen was in complete mess. Finally we ended with eating their PanCake with some solvent-like side dish.It took four days in istallments to clean all the mess in Kitchen. The fun we had not withstanding, till now I never allowed them in my kitchen..:-)
 Very Sorry that no body knew what really happened that day, hence I cannot give the recipe. Now almost every week end, I am tasting Indian Briyani, Gulab Jamoon,lassi Indian Restaurant...

Till we meet again,

Keep Smiling ya!

Your friend chandru
Chandrasekar R
Bosch, Ukalady Hamulcowe sp. z o o.
Chelstowek 2a
56-416 Twardogora,Poland
( ph:   +48 71  3999082 
2 Fax:  +48 71  3158444


Yes! India, I know Delhi
Fotos & Polish climate-Part I
Fotos & Polish climate-Part-II
Welcome to Krakow!!
A language Called Polish
Chandru Ban Gaya PolishMan
My Malgudi..err Twardogora Days
Poland in a Nut Shell

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