My X-periments with Cooker
Night(Day?)Mare Continues..
Weekend in Wroclaw
More fun on Weekend
Polish Entertainment
An Eventful Weekend
BeErS & pUbS..
Hair Raising Experience
Yes! India?! I know DELHI!


Dear all,

 "Hello Bacher! Its Hansie Speaking!!" - And Cricket World will never be the same again. More revealations! More Shock!!. Its disaster for cricket fans like us...By the way, when is India's next match? - Incorrigible?... Me?!  May be..

 I was ill last week with Cold & Cough.. NO NO, not so bad that I should inform my parents. Understood! So Dont do that! Also I left you to enjoy ur holidays peacefully- Reasons for belated Polish times. 

 Today in Polish Times, How far people in Poland knows about India & its culture, people etc. since the vice versa is known to everyone.. I was surprised to some extent on lack of awareness of people.

India -  Land of Gandhi & Spritual Myths

 In a mini survey I have conducted here in Poland reveals that Gandhi is the single most Historian from India whom everyone knows. IndiraGandhi is another name people know.

 Surprise!! If you are an ardent devotee of "Sai Baba", you have got lotsa company here. When I digged depth on this, I came to know that a year ago, there was an article on SaiBaba in a famous Newspaper explaining the wonders he do & all those things. (Personally, I just don't believe in this so-called Demi-Gods!!). Since then his populrity has growing day by day. Many Polish guys make a trip to India to his ashram & stay there for two months or so. I heard many saying words like "Bhajan","ashram". 

 One Middle aged Lady who visited India said that she liked India very much for its Spritual & Religious Ways. When I asked her the Purpose of visit , "KARMA"- she yelled(really). I was startled a bit. She surprised me with more questions about Ramayana, Mahabharatha etc..

 Obviously, New Delhi as capital leads the table followed by Bombay in known cities list. Bangalore missing out entirely. 
 Ofcourse, Many knows that Indian Girl was the Miss World this year. It really helped to create & improve India's image. I laughed when French friend wondered why no french girl won that title for long since French is synonym with Beauty & Fashion.("But U have to answer few questions Blondes!") 

 Indo-Pak animosity is quite known here too. There were instances when I had to explain why India went Nuclear to Polish guy in a Bar. When he asked why did we tested nuclear since poland is not doing so , I was tempted to say "We can,You cannot".

 In Sports, they know that there is a game called Cricket. But "Krishnan family, Amritaraj, Leander & Bhupathi" are relatively known people here.They do remember like us that once India was the best hockey team.
 Another fact that majority of people know is India's Population. They are surprised to know when I told them that we have got 25 such states as Poland. (Sometimes I find it difficult not to sound arrogant when I speak about india) Also that India produces most no of films in a year etc..

 For my part, I do speak about India with sense of Pride though I may not agree with few things.I explain people about the Indian family, 17 languages, Million Gods, its strength of unity in Diversity as shown in times of Kargil, etc. 

Tail piece

 Saw "The American Beauty" - Tragic Comedy on American suburban life, Kevin Spacey at his best was good. Still I think Sixth Sense should have got atleast two Oscars. (Poor Indian!!) 

 This week had some special dishes in Indian Hotel. Prakash told me that he will prepare some typical spicy Madrasi Briyani when I go next time.

Till we meet again,

Keep Smiling Yaar!

Your friend chandru


Yes! India, I know Delhi
Fotos & Polish climate-Part I
Fotos & Polish climate-Part-II
Welcome to Krakow!!
A language Called Polish
Chandru Ban Gaya PolishMan
My Malgudi..err Twardogora Days
Poland in a Nut Shell

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