Dear Friends,
Ok ! Wait! Ouchh!! Who threw
this stone?! Before all of you start sending bucket full of
I-told-you-so's, I would like to clarify that only since I know a bit of
polish, I just tried to be funny.. Seeing Amitabhs,Rajinis in Uniform,
even when I was young, I wanted to become a PoliceMan not PolishMan..Ok
! SO please calm down..
Being the host nation, I expect
Holland to take the Crown, though French r world champions with Anelka
in attack.. But Portugal was a revealation eliminating England & Germany
in first round itself... Excuse Me, I am talking about EURO-2000, for many
of you, Football game.. U know, after all these Matchfixing,Hansiegate
etc.., I turned towards football like europeans..
Chandru ReDefined:
Its crazy in polish, to have
a name changing in many ways like "Francois" becomes-> Franek, Franku,
Franka,Frankiem,etc depending upon the Genitive, Accusative, etc..Highly
Chandru - is an exception.
Nobody can change my name at any conditions, my Polish teacher tried so
hard,but No hope.. It remains chandru grammatically at all conditions..
U know what it means "Chandru"
in Polish -- "'TO HAVE BLUES'".. Highly Coincidental.. May be.. "Chandra
sekara" means "Sekar having Blues"(in Poland).. I laughed at my name when
I joined the Local Tennis Club & they wrote my name "Czaendhru".(Following
the same rules I wrote last week..)
Also I heard about Czech language
that all female names should have -owa at end.. I thought of Aishwarya
Rayowa, Mamta kulkarniowa, Oops! Do the same for some other names &
Have fun.. Please dont think that I am not harsh on French, German, Polish
etc.. The way this guys laugh at Hindi, tamil etc. tests my patience.
My first two months outings
were really terrible, since Everyone will test their english Proficiency
(or Lack of it) on me.. I was often victimised since french friends will
get away with saying that they know only french. Also almost everyone I
meet outside office are drunk.
Read the following:
I speak english not good..
: I can understand..
XYZ-owski :
stary?.. stary...(old in Polish).U know I speak english not good. (Its
obvious!! Sir!)
: old??
: Yes..but not stary.. U know I speak english not good (You have told
me! Mister!!)
: Oh! New ?
: Yes! Yes!! My new brother speak english Good!!
: (Deadly silent for few seconds!! Later..) That's Great! (what else
you want me to say..!)
Similar incidences were many..
Though Being in Dumb charades & 20 Qs competetions in college do help
me, its still tough task to manage almost everyone we meet like this way.
I used to guess what they want to say & produce a list of atleast six
words, for them to choose from. 80% of the time, it works. All this changed
after I attended the Polish classes. Its my turn to torture them in polish
asking them for correct words. They will speak in english & me in polish..
Healthy competetion U know..
I am the best student in our
class(ofcourse out of three). My polish teacher says often that I should
stay in poland atleast not to waste my polish. (There again, one more stone..WHO's
that..I have not finished yet) I have even plans to write a Book on Polish
Literary in Polish Language & publish in India (In Poland, I am not
so stupid..he hee..!) & to try a shot at the nomination for "Bookers"
**Few polish words as you requested:
Hai, Hello - Czesc
Good Morning - Dzien Dobry
(they say this till midnight since its universal)
Good Evening - Dobry Wieczor
Good Night
- Dobranoc
Bye - Do widzenia
Here comes the best:::
Happy BirthDay - wszystkiego najlepszego
w dniu urodzin !! (I wished a colleague, When I finished, it was next day
morning :-)
Being a true Indian, I started
spreading Hindi & Tamil Language. The HR lady, tells "Amma", "Appa",
etc.. They also use "Sari" - which I translated from "Obviously" (Tough
questions always.. Anybody for exact meaning in Tamil..Please)
It was funny to see a Girl
in our office saying loudly " Mera Naam Joanna Hai.. Main Chowbees saal
ki hoon".. Long live India..
Regarding Recipes
Heard that you people are
starving without any recipes in Polish Times for quite long.. Really sorry
for that. Next week will have some Spicy, Indian food recipes.. All authenticated
& tested by Polish Times...
Thanks for Praveen for taking
the Joke quite lightly(He had no other option..;-) & also suggesting
me to start an editorial..By the way, June 27th is Columnists Day..
Do widzenia!!.
Your friend Chandru !
Editor, Polish Times.