My X-periments with Cooker
Night(Day?)Mare Continues..
Weekend in Wroclaw
More fun on Weekend
Polish Entertainment
An Eventful Weekend
BeErS & pUbS..
Hair Raising Experience
More Fun on weekend

 Hai friends!!

 Unfortunately its me again. Atleast now you must believe in fate.. :-)
 Anyway, Really sorry for such a delay in this edition of Polish Times. Because I dont know who has forwarded this mails to,, etc., I was flooded with calls and mails all over from the world to be their guest column writer(someone even offered the post of Host column writer..). I, after a long thought and with big heart, prompty rejected all their calls and back to your service.Actually i was really tied up in my project as it was at the final stages.I couldn't get much time to edit this edition.( U know I have to do all this.. Proof reading, designing, sending it to all of you..)

 Last weekend, I had been to Wroclaw (No more free tuition like last week, Monthly $10 for Polish Classes, please contact personally). It was quite an odd experience like  you are star, with all the people looking (staring to be precise!) at you in such a huge Railway station. Ofcourse my french Black friend who is more colored took away much shine out of me. Next time, I am not going with him. Believe me, Nobody speaks in english, even the fat lady who was sitting in International counter in such a big sity. We bought a ticket for 7'O clock train, but even after that we were standing in Platform waiting for the train ( For a moment, I thought that Indian Railways has something to do with that!!)

 Luckily, a young lady( or girl, I'm not sure!) offered to help us out. She said it was cancelled for the weekend.We had to return our tickets and got our money back. Finally, we had to take a taxi to our town(No! 'village') which was quite costly.SO the whole sunday I didn't even went out of my flat.

  Eureka! Eureka! Yes I finally found why whenever I cook rice, it becomes more of sticky & juicy stuff! The rice is more sticky and brownish here in Poland. Dont think, I'm just justifying my way of cooking, its really true. But few of Polish food items has really helped me during lunch. Water is more salty here, even if boil cold water it becomes "Pongalo pongal". 
 In Poland, girls are really ( yes! I can see guys waking up with bright eyes at this line!!) normal as any other countries.( hey! hey! Emaatheengala!!) In fact girls are looking good with Blonde hairs, small eyes... Oh ! I am just remembering about the valentines day. Wish you a belated happy Valentine's Day. Hope you all had a great if not peaceful day this year. Me?? Oh come on, until i got a mail from somebody about valentine's day, i was not at all knowing about that!  yes! really! Believe me Yaar!!
 Every good thing ends!! (atleast for the week! No escape!! You will suffer with me till I am here.). So see you all in Polish times again. 

 Polish Times is well and running fine. As some detractors are spreading the wrong info that its closed forever, its still there and I warn those people on behalf of our Polish Times.( If needed we'll sue them ofcourse in Polish court which itself is a big punishment)

Thanx for listening...

Do widzenia ( Good Bye in Polish) & have a nice Week!!

Bye for now
your friend :-)


Yes! India, I know Delhi
Fotos & Polish climate-Part I
Fotos & Polish climate-Part-II
Welcome to Krakow!!
A language Called Polish
Chandru Ban Gaya PolishMan
My Malgudi..err Twardogora Days
Poland in a Nut Shell

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PolishTimes Ltd.