My X-periments with Cooker
Night(Day?)Mare Continues..
Weekend in Wroclaw
More fun on Weekend
Polish Entertainment
An Eventful Weekend
BeErS & pUbS..
Hair Raising Experience
An Eventful Weekend

 Coming Soon: About Beers & Pubs ..!  WOW!! Next week..!!  Be there !!!

Czesc friends, (Not Dear, its Hello!)

Sad Tone Mode - :-(
Responses for my SOS was not impressive barring few. Many have taken it as humor, & I  appreciate that. Somewhere i have draw the line btw jokes and My real situation. So i declare the following that I am in real need of good food recipes, so before going to next line, please make sure that you have got some recipe for me. 
Normal Mode-  :-) 

Last week end, Had quite an eventful experience. Not wanting to depend & disturb my french friends, I decided to go to wroclaw in bus alone. It all started on sunday 11 AM. In bus station, after confirming that the bus goes to wroclaw, I tried to get in the bus. Suddenly i heard the driver shouting saying that I should not. It reminded me what happened to Gandhi in SouthAfrica when he was thrown out of First Class becos he was colored. For a moment, my BP went high.

 But later i learned that he was saying that I’ve to go otherside where I will buy tickets & people are waiting. What an anticlimax! I took the bus and safely reached wroclaw. With that, gone the chances of making of another Gandhi!! (ennakku thannadakkam Romba adhigam)

 I prefered to walk, becos the thought of enqiring these polish people terrified me. After walking half-an-hour & atleast 3 km reached Supermarket(Carrefour- french one). I prefer walking becos it gives urself time to look around place & people. Very wide roads & open space in main town, biggest advantages of less population ( summa, poduvaa sonnen!). 
 Biggest market in wroclaw which is new to even polish people. Since communism fell in end of 80s, MNCs has stongly influenced the market. (Believe they are so many McDonalds, KFCs, and Burger King and pizzaries, that you feel like any other international city). Enquired about Cameras, but could not find international Warranted one. So for time being I bought Use & Throw Camera. (New to me, but cheap and widely used in europe, after 27 pics, throw it!! Cool isn’t it?)

 All electronic goods r same price as ours. Did little shopping, but spent time on looking kinda things available. I found Indian chicken Beriyani, but was quite difficult to cook. 

Back in Bus station, wanted to go another Supermarket where My friend is waiting. After 1 more painful hour, I found a man speaking eng. Surprise! (More of Shock) 1 more Indian named Arun D’souza is there in Wroclaw, Polish guy told. So kind of him, that he took a taxi for me and fixed a price. Reached Corona, Multi storeyed SuperMarket. (illane whole night Platformthan!!)

Since my friends are coming to Kino for Movie with their (alleged!!) girlfriends, I went to another Kino(Cinema theatre(polish), now i know Y one theatr in Bang. is named as KINO.) Saw the Movie, “Kolekcjoner Kosci”, Read it aloud & U will know it “Bone Collector”!!  It was Good unlike the TV, only subtitles are shown in Polish. Initially even I mistook it as Polish Movie, but luckily poster helped me. 
I had  the privilege of paying 200 bucks( Ofcourse in Indian Rs), and still watched the movie in second closest row to screen. No Interval, & thank God I bought Spirite at the start itself. Quite a big screen. 

Tips of the Week

 Can’t eat the food? No problem. It happens to all. Here the ways out of it

*Avoid any food till you feel like fainting. Now look at that food: No more explanations needed after that..

*Have some Fast music preferably in Walkman & any language but it must a fast numbers like Humma Humma etc, watch TV regardless of what’s going. Now start eating the same food, Magic! Even before u realize you would have finished all..

Parting Parse

 Many have wondered how I can write these much in single mail. But U know it takes two days here to prepare. Think how much time I put in Polish times for all u people.(Any Magsasay Award!! No thanks!!)

Do you like Potato chips? Sure you would if we have a special day for that!! Yes, March 14 ( when you read this mail) is POTATO CHIPS DAY. My wishes for all those who weigh around 80...

See ya later
Your friend Chandru


Yes! India, I know Delhi
Fotos & Polish climate-Part I
Fotos & Polish climate-Part-II
Welcome to Krakow!!
A language Called Polish
Chandru Ban Gaya PolishMan
My Malgudi..err Twardogora Days
Poland in a Nut Shell

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