My X-periments with Cooker
Night(Day?)Mare Continues..
Weekend in Wroclaw
More fun on Weekend
Polish Entertainment
An Eventful Weekend
BeErS & pUbS..
Hair Raising Experience
Poland in a NutShell

Dear Pals
 Yesterday I had an argument with my colleagues, that Twardogora is a village & not city as they use to mention. (Its not their fault, in polish there are only two words to describe: Village or city) Finally, after some life threatening calls, I decided to say that it is a city.In this edition, As per ur request I tried to explain poland in backdrop of WW-II, but without making any comments. 

 One More thing, quite a happy news: My Days in Poland are numbered.Your pleas to stay in Poland, to start Bangalore Times notwithstanding, Polish Times will be stopped (So sad:-( in another one or two Editions. I am forced to use the old Cliche "All good things comes to an end". 

 Hey Guys finally your wish granted.. For those who missed Polish Times Editions, good news is around the corner..You can find all editions of PT in 


**Poland, A country at Crossfire**

 For those who dont remember, Poland was in center of the World Wars. Especially WW-II was a holocaust for Poland, to put it mildly.  A Land between the communist Russians & West Europe always will be strategically important & have to pay for it.

 All the mayhem started on one fine day on 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland. 90% of the jews were killed as Polish population was reduced by 20 percent. GHETTOS or Concentrations Camps, places used to kill Jews & poles in mass with minimal usage of weapons like filling 1000 people in one compartment of a train without air & send it for a week trip. Un-luckiest people will survive to be further grilled in Ghettos. For more of it, Read books like "Odessa File" etc.. 

 The Biggest Ghetto of the WW-II is near krakow, "Ouswiec", standing as a witness of all those terror days. Even in "Schindler's List", this place is featured. I didn't had a chance to visit that place yet.

 For obvious reasons, poles likes to hate Germany people. But the interesting point is that Russians take equal share of the wrath like Germans for Post War they ruled Poland under the communists flag for four decades.  But the hatred has roots from as early as 14th century when Poland was a superior force in Europe. A few days back there was a anniversary celebration of one of their (rare:-) victories in 17th century against Russians like how we see everytime sachin's hundred in sharjah on that (Sand)stormy night.

If he looks like an indian, you are right.. More at the end.. 

  Next one with My polish teacher who has become a fan of Indian Food...You can look at his eyes..


 A decade back,returned to democracy like india. Same withdrawing support to govt, Number games etc.. for eg., After almost 10 year of exit of Communists, they are still looking for a person to head a commision on people who helped Russians.Looks no different from india in these matters!! 

 In another five years, it can enter the European Union though Govt claims that  in two years. Auotmobile like other euro countries is flavour of poland too.Info-Tech is another sector,poland is emerging. If not like india, ("I heard of textile company which released the IPO as  XYZ SoftWEAR Ltd., No wonder it was 25 times oversubscribed":-)  poland is slowly forging ahead in IT. 

 In General, Europe always lagged behind in IT race behind US, like S/w in 80's, InterNet & Broadband in 90s, but hang on, it has got a bright start in "Mobile Technology". Advanced Wireless tech, Security s/w & huge market created by Finland-based Nokia, Ericsson etc has given the needed edge for Europe in Highly potential Mobile & Wap Sector. Poland too is having its own share of it, though ecommerce is not reached Poland like in other Euros. 

   Otherwise, poland is more like other Euros, obcessed with Cars, football crazy, beer happy etc.. Population of 40 million (less than Tamil Nadu), majority of Christians, Jews, Germans & 10 Indians.(Surprised, Read on!). Polish Currency is zloty; 1 zl = 10 Rs, they devalued from 10,000 to 1 zl -10 years back. Everybody was a millionaire then, except that A bottle of cola priced at 10 lakhs.
 Very few personalities that comes to ur mind when you hear about Poland (other than me!) are : Surprise ! Current Pope is a Pole. It was so obvious here that everyday I see Pope Live! in all TV channels, they are quite proud about it; Nicholas Copernicus; Marie Curie,though she moved to Berlin; 

Chandru Goes Bungeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

 Two weeks before, I went to mountains with my friends.. Finally ( Give me your ear!!) I went out of  Poland to czeck, ofcourse for two minutes.(International Terrorism?!) There was a road between two countries, as you see in this first picture.. We mountained for almost seven hours.. Though I had no false assumption of being Denzing & Hillary (guys who reached everest), it was long & good experience. We went thru rain, fog, wind, everything.. No wonder I felt two inch shorter that night. Next foto in front of only hotel on top..


 When my friend asked about mountains to climb in india, I told "There is one famous place with group of mountains & all around the year, thousands of people come there.. Even there is a small temple at the top of it. Generally I go once in two years, we call that place as "Thirupathi"!!!!

 As a  finishing touch, I Had my Maiden Bungee Jump on Next Day from 50 m. It was a three second thrill that was worth taking. Though I didn't was not perfect while jumping, it was an exciting experience.
Next Week, 
Indian & Tamilan IN Poland..

Your Friend Chandru

Editor PolishTimes
Bosch, Ukalady Hamulcowe sp. z o o.
Chelstowek 2a,
56-416 Twardogora,POLAND
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Yes! India, I know Delhi
Fotos & Polish climate-Part I
Fotos & Polish climate-Part-II
Welcome to Krakow!!
A language Called Polish
Chandru Ban Gaya PolishMan
My Malgudi..err Twardogora Days
Poland in a Nut Shell

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