Dear Friends,
First of all, thanks for your
comments on Website & valuable suggestions. I may not be able to do
that for even the initial site work took two weekends. Thanks to your responses,
I am contemplating of releasing IPO soon on Nasdaq & BSE simultaneously.
But already has started talks of acquiring "Polish Times" in
an all stock deal. I am thinking about RSOP (Readers Stock options..)
For the readers to know about
the AUSHWITZ GHETTOs, our special correspondent (who else, its yours truly)
was sent last weekend. It was amazingly silent & they are preserving
all the witnesses like Living rooms, Barracks etc. Atleast 15 lakhs were
killed here.. Gas chamber (easiest way to kill atleast 2000 with minimal
weapon ie Poisonous Gas..) & Fotos about the atrocities caused to Poles
& European Jews were on display. If not in mail, you can find a section
on this soon in Website.
After a bit heavy PT last
week, its time for some fun.There were many cultural shocks (atleast initially)
for me in first few days. Just in lighter vein I have tried to cover all.
**East is East**
"East & West will never
meet!!" No wonder they divided the world as East & West. So drastically
differentiated are our cultures. Though anyone may be tempted to say that
"These people have no culture at all", their culture itself teaches them
all what they do now & culture is quite old too.
"Families are sweet only in
Fotos" - A polish proverb puts it in right perspective. May be bit exaggerated
as for as my experience goes. If not so tight-knitted as indian family
like singing "Hum Sath Sath Hain", it is better compared to any other relationships.
I have not heard of MOTHER-IN-LAW
& DAUGHTER-IN-LAW kind of fights so far like in our india. I even know
some of our M-I-Ls who were harrassing their D-I-L even before the
Children are free from the
age of 15, to choose whatever life & career they want. Girls go "KAUN
BANEGA MERA PATHI" & we wonder "KAUN BANEGA KISKA PATHI". Not surprisingly,
Love has so many dimensions.. Check out the conversation below which enlightened
My friend who had little interest
in one girl suddenly said that she looks beautiful now & he like her.
" I dont know, May be becos its spring.. Birds are singing.. Trees are
green.. Chandru,you also should find a girlfriend". I wondered what will
happen in summer to this seasonal love. Broken relationships are part of
life here. Even I have changed two girlfriends so far..twink.(You know
I am kidding.. Be wherever "Phir Bhi dil Hai Hindustani!" Lets shake your
hands like shah rukh! ) Before you ponder more, I should say that I have
seen many pairs who are together for long time.
Marriages are done when you
find your better half.(or worser half depending on who you are!) "No Marriage
fixing like us". I asked my friend why his sister has not married yet,
he replied that she has not found her boyfriend yet.. Wow!! Polish
times gives all rights to you to print this & show it to your PARENTS!!
Though Marriages are as important
as ours, surprisingly its done with low profile. Very few people are invited
to marriage & mainly are done in saturdays in churches. I wanted to
see a polish marriage & I was invited to two marriages of my friends,
but unfortunately they fall on Aug 5 & 7 & I'll be in india then.
I will be wine & Dine party. Talking of wine, almost everyone were
surprised to know that not all indians drink alcohol. "Make chandru drink
beer, you will get two bottles of Wodka" is the latest bet among
my friends. Even one of them came for a deal, "Chandru, drink a little,
we'll share the Wodka". Poor guy!
Kandu kondein, Kandu kondein..
Finally I met a true indian
the sense, a fresh out of college, InfoTech guy from Delhi for his training.
We met accidently in McDonald & first thing he asked me was to speak
in Hindi. We freaked out in streets of wroclaw asking his Irish Friend(whom
u saw in pic last week) "Aathi kya Twardogora!!". We went to Panoroma &
Muzeum & finally to Indian restaruant. He went mad seeing Panner Makkan
& Naan. It was good speaking Hindi with an indian.Since he lives quite
far from my place, I just keep in touch thru mails.
If it was Indian on sat, then
I bumped on Tamilan on sunday. I spoke in Tamil for 1.5 hrs with him which
I couldn't do for last six months.(except when I speak to myself,when I
cook) Damodharan,at around 60, is owner of the Indian restaurant with four
branches in various cities of poland, his whole family are settled in Warsaw.
Six months in Poland & Six month in Chennai. From Polish Culture to
Jayalalitha, we spoke a lot.He invited me to his house in warsaw for south
indian Dinner.
Talking of food, I gave a
party to my friends here with Chappathi & Egg Masala since my french
friends were going on vacation. Though polish are known for hospitality,
I hardly had a chance to witness that. But after my party, Jacek invited
us to his house where his sister made some typical polish food. In the
Meantime, I have got a strange feeling that Indian spices that I brought
from india will be wasted. :-(
Finally a Snap of party on a colleagues
marriage in office.. The picture is very unclear since it was taken in
official digital cam,though you can find me in the center with my Tall
Do widzenia!!.
Your friend Chandru !
Editor, Polish Times.