If you think that Polish Times
is a bit delayed, its becoz for this edition, I had to collect more info
about Beers & Pubs. Still My Apologies for the same...
It seems that whole India is gripped
with Clinto-mania & he too has returned the gesture by praising India
in many ways.( Nukes.. CTBT.. Never Mind..)
Beers & Pubs
As I promised last week, this week
is with info of Polish's Cocktail life.
Poland is quite famous for
Vodka though they are too humble to accept that. Its quite special and
available in abundant mostly preferred by aged as traditional drink.
LECH, Zywiec, Piast - Top three
Beers of Poland constituting more than two-thirds. Dunno U can get this
in other countries. More ads for Beers than anything else.. Ofcourse Cars
being an exception.
Beers r like water, one of
basic needs of life. Wondered that Water is costlier than Beers. No good
(Cauvery) water in homes, only Salty water. So U've to buy water in shops,
even water has gas. No other Go!! If some body asks you "PIWO", dont think
that its Hindi - "to Drink", actually it means "Beers". (Lotsa Links btw
Hindi & Poland in many ways, will tell you later..)
Most of (young) people spend
their weekends in Pubs & Discotheques as I cannot see much interest
for Movies. Wine & Dine being the rule of the day. In my town, there
R three pubs, two with Discotheque which is too much for this much small
town. My favourite(becos I have not seen much of others) one is Adam's
PulsPub without Disco... Hey! Dont look at me like that! No!! I only take
Sprite, play Dart & eat Toast and Mostly becos he speaks English better
than many. Nothing more than that! Believe it or not, he has a home page
& I filled his guestbook on his insistence. He works in another firm,
he studies engg & maintains the pub in nights!! Incredible.. Whenever
I go there, he takes out SPRITE for me.( All time!!)
U know when I told that I
dont drink alcohol, a guy(Michael, for ur info!) told me "Its incredible!!
I am really proud of you".. Felt like Film director who got 12 Oscar(becoz
current record is 11 for titanic & BenHur)..Uchchi kulirdhadhu Po!
You may say that he was drunk, Never mind becos people speak sense only
when they are drunk.
Discotheques goes on till
4'O clock in the morning. I wonder whether their parents have anything
to say on that. Kinda Culture shock for us..
Most of my dinner with my
colleagues will be with Beers, Special Ttpical French Wine, Cuban Cigars
etc. Without alcohol, their isn't any dinner. Life is full of life with
Final Warning:
Strident rules on Drink & Drive.(Allowed
limit is 0.002%) If U found driving after drink, U may end up in court
with Your license cancelled for your whole life & fine up to 70-Lakhs
in Indian Rupees. So if you guys ever come to Poland(Oh God! Please dont
do it to anyone!!), do remember this...
A Thanks!!
After my second request,
I've got some +ve responses from few of U.. My Whole Hearted Thanks to
them.. I have cooked twice Veg. Briyani, once Chicken Manchoori(Or I named
it so!!) last two week which quite a good progress.
Take care!!
See ya later!
Ur friend Chandru